Aloe vera is a juicy and very nutritious plant as it has many components that it provides our organism with if it is consumed regularly, such as essential amino acids and many vitamins and minerals, among which vitamin C.
The Green Frog Fresh Aloe Vera Juice has the best properties as it is extracted from the fresh plant and packaged quickly to avoid loss of nutrients, never freeze-dried or powdered, making it an important superfood.
Find out more about vitamin C, or ascorbic acid, which is an important nutrient whose total deficiency causes scurvy, but whose frequent consumption gives it antioxidant, regenerative, restorative and healing properties. In fact, it is necessary for the growth and repair of tissues throughout the body, such as bones, cartilage, tendons, ligaments and connective tissue. It prevents gingivitis, or inflammation of the gums, and bleeding.
However, the most desirable effect of its consumption is the activation of the defence system, on the one hand, by promoting the production of antibodies to fight against viruses and bacteria, and on the other hand, by facilitating the separation of the components of viruses so that enzymes can inactivate them. When there is an infection or when the body has a fever, the need for vitamin C increases, so it is advisable to increase the consumption of foods containing it.
The human body does not manufacture vitamin C and cannot store it for long, so it is important to get it from foods that supply it, such as aloe vera and other fruits and vegetables. But it is a fragile vitamin and is destroyed when foods are heated, so those that contain it should be eaten fresh. It should not be taken in concentrated tablets either, as this can have undesirable effects, so it is best to eat foods containing it on a daily basis.