Red berries cocktail with Aloe for dis-fruta-r
Here is a recipe full of antioxidants that will help you strengthen your defenses and improve your skin by reducing free radicals and preparing it for the summer season.
100 ml of fresh aloe vera juice
A few drops of lemon
Wash the fruit well. Cut the large strawberries into quarters. Leave the small ones whole. Add the raspberries and blueberries. Add the aloe vera juice and the lemon drops. Leave to macerate for one hour in the refrigerator. Serve in bowls or cocktail glasses with a sprig of mint.
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The red colors indicate the presence of anthocyanins, antioxidants that can help reduce cholesterol and promote cardiovascular health. They are rich in vitamins E, C, K and folic acid. They are also a good source of fiber. If we add to these nutrients the multivitamin and multimineral cocktail provided by Green Frog's organic aloe vera juice, you can enjoy a fabulous breakfast, dessert, snack or appetizer that will keep your glucose level optimal and give you vitality to carry out your daily work or sports training.
TrickPut the cocktail in the freezer for three hours and turn it, using a food processor, into a delicious slushy drink. Were you thinking of adding a little vodka?